Blood Covenant
Years ago, the Lord gave me a song called Blood Covenant. He was teaching me about what exactly a Blood Covenant is and showing me that when He cut a Blood Covenant with Abraham, Abraham completely understood what that meant.…
It seems a lot of people in this season have lost or are losing hope, so I want to share a few thoughts about hope. First, what is hope? According to the dictionary, hope is a feeling of expectation and…
Thoughts on Becoming a Dystopian Society
I heard a Pastor teach recently about the signs of a Dystopian Society. While it does appear that society is becoming more and more dystopian in nature, especially during 2021, the Lord reminded me of something I heard another pastor…
Experiences vs The Word
This morning (02/17/20) I was having time with the Lord and praying for the church. I was thinking how different groups (and one in particular) seem to get an awesome touch from God and revival starts. They get a revelation…
Thoughts on Titus 1:15
Titus 1:15 NASB To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that if I am pure, then I can do whatever I…
Father Abraham: Father of Faith or Father of Righteousness?
Father Abraham had many sons and many sons had Father Abraham. And I am one of them and so are you, if you believe. We can be made Righteous through Faith. Father Abraham is our example. Genesis 15:6 Then he…
Recently, someone was sharing (yelling at me actually) their personal beliefs and it seemed to hinge on his understanding of the verse Mark 13:6 and the phrase, ‘I am He!’ Here is the verse for reference. Mark 13:6 NASB Many will come in My…
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! It is now 2019. For me personally, 2018 was an okay year. There were a few challenges like the time I had to battle salmonella poisoning, but mostly it was blessed. I got to share the Gospel truth…
A Plea to Be an Educated Voter
A Few Thoughts About the Current Situation in Our Country As a teacher who teaches English and Social Studies, it is disconcerting to me to say the least how ignorant people are today, especially the younger generations. In an effort…
Victor or Victim? Which Will You Be?
Jesus came that we might have abundant life. John 10:10 in The Message says it like this: Jesus told this simple story, but they had no idea what he was talking about. So he tried again. “I’ll be explicit, then.…